Thursday, October 17, 2019

CG Dinner 10/20

Hey everybody! We’ve got community group this weekend. This Sunday we thought we’d do something a little different and have a pizza and movie night! Not sure what the flick will be yet, but if anyone has any suggestions that your family really enjoys, we’d love to hear them :) 

For dinner, each family can bring a pizza for their family to share. We will have 1 or 2 extras just in case we have new families joining us. Other items you could bring to share:
- drinks
- something fresh like fruit and/or veggies
- popcorn for the movie!
I will also have some fall-ish cookies too. By fall-ish I mean pumpkin shaped 😬

As always, new families and friends are welcome, so feel free to invite!
1st and 3rd Sundays 5-7pm
7059 SW 179th Ave
Beaverton, 97007

Anya: 503-544-2920
Brian: 503-313-0922

Friday, October 4, 2019

CG Dinner 10/6/19

Hello CG fam! We are getting together again this Sunday for dinner and fellowship. How does soup/stew, salad, and bread sound? I’ll make soup and have maybe some cheese and sour cream for a topping. Would one or two more families be willing to bring another soup so we have other options? Here are some other items you could bring:
Some sweet treats
Paper plates/bowls
Paper cups

Please let us know if you can make it! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
As you know, new families and families w/kiddos are always welcome, so please feel free to invite!

See you Sunday!
Anya B. 

7059 SW 179th Ave. 
Beaverton 97007
Anya: 503-544-2920