Friday, May 31, 2019

CG Dinner at the Park 6/2

Hello everybody!! 

Community Group Sunday this weekend!! Hope you all have been well! It’s been a super busy season for us, and we are seriously in need of fellowship. So we’re really looking forward to community group! 

Brian and I thought it would be fun to take advantage of the gorgeous weather on Sunday and have a picnic at the park. Everyone can bring a picnic dinner for their own family and we can hang out and let the kids play. We will meet at Mt. View Champions Park a few blocks from our house at 5. We’ll grab a couple picnic tables if we can, but might be a good idea to bring picnic blankets and stuff in case we’re out of luck with tables. 

Hoping you all can make it! This will be our last community group before we break for the summer. However, we are planning to get together at least a couple times as a group between now and fall. The Kim’s have offered to host a BBQ at their community pool where they live in June! We’re looking at the weekend of the 23rd for that. More deets to come!

Please give us a heads up about Sunday, and I apologize for the late email...really sorry about that! As always, new families and friends are welcome, so please invite!! 

Mt. View Champions Park: 5915 SW 170th Ave. Aloha 97007. 

Anya: 503-544-2920

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

CG 5/19

Hey everyone! It is community group Sunday this weekend, however the Bergs won’t be able to host as we have a commitment elsewhere this Sunday evening. We would still love for you all to be able to meet without us, so if anyone is willing and able to step in as host this time, please let me know ASAP so i can send an email out and get info up on the blog! 

Like I mentioned earlier in the year, we will break from meeting every other week for the summer. Hoping we can get one or two group picnics in over the summer, just to stay in touch until we pick up again in the fall. So Sunday, June 2nd will be our last CG Dinner together before we break. If any of you have questions, please feel free to call or text Anya at 503-544-2920. Or email is good too. Have a great rest of your week!

Anya B. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Cinco de Mayo CG Dinner 5/5

Hey everyone! Community Group Sunday this weekend! For dinner let’s do Mexican theme in honor of Cinco de Mayo 🌮🥙🥑🍻😁 Here are some ideas of items you can pitch in and bring:
Tortilla chips
Taco shells (crunchy and/orange  soft corn)
Avocados or guacamole
Sour cream 
Green onions
Hot sauce
Shredded lettuce (for those who want taco salad)
Corona or Modelo
Stuff for margaritas 
Another meat option (beef or pork?)
Something sweet

Brian and I will have shredded chicken, shredded cheese, black beans, flour tortillas, and Doritos! Probably some beer too. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone since it’s been awhile! Please let us know if you can’t make it, it’s super helpful in planning food-wise. And as always, friends and new families are welcome, so please invite! Looks like the weather is gonna be beautiful still so the kids can play outside too!

7059 SW 179th Ave, Beaverton, 97007
1st and 3rd Sundays of the month 5-7pm. 

See you Sunday!
Anya B.